Qu'est ce que DERIV ? Deriv est une plateforme de trading (Forex, CFD, matières premières, etc ) très populaire, adaptée aux débutants et aux expérimentés. Les dépôts et retraits directs instantanés, via mobile money (MVola, Orange Money, Airtel Money) sont disponible via notre site moneiko. Vous pouvez suivre les tutoriels en bas en cliquant sur les liens.
- Si vous comptez faire un dépôt minimum 10 $, vous pouvez utiliser notre système de dépôt direct sur notre lien dépôt DERIV
- Si vous comptez faire un dépôt minimum 5 $, vous pouvez utiliser les dépôts par portefeuille électronique tel que (AIRTM recommandé, SKRILL, Neteller)
Visitez nos tutoriels : Tutoriel Dépôt et Tutoriel RetraitInscription simple.
Transactions simples, sécurisées et transparentes.
Aucun frais mobile money (frais de retrait etc)
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Notice (8): Trying to get property 'asset_name' of non-object [ROOT/plugins/Exchanger/src/Template/Exchanges/btc_to_ariary2.ctp, line 8]Code Context<?php $this->assign('type', __('RETRAIT')) ?>
<?php $assetText = $currentAsset->asset_name; ?>
$viewFile = '/home/c1453458c/public_html/plugins/Exchanger/src/Template/Exchanges/btc_to_ariary2.ctp' $dataForView = [ 'isMg' => false, 'isLocalHost' => false, 'isLocalhost' => false, 'isLocal' => false, 'siteparams' => object(App\Model\Entity\Parameter) { 'id' => (int) 1, 'title' => 'Moneiko', 'content' => '1ère plate-forme d'échange instantanée et sécurisée d'actif de portefeuille électronique vers Mobile Money et vice versa depuis 2019 à Madagascar.', 'cours' => (float) 4896, 'frais_carte_mobile_money' => (float) 0, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_achat' => (float) 0, 'cours_payeer_achat' => (float) 4825, 'cours_payeer_vente' => (float) 4350, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_payeer' => (float) 5, 'montant_min_achat_payeer' => (float) 3000, 'btc_marge_erreur' => (float) 1, 'is_menu_payeer' => true, 'is_menu_crypto' => true, 'og_title' => 'Moneiko', 'og_content' => 'Plate-forme en ligne automatique et sécurisée rationalisant le transfert d'une monnaie digitale aux Mobile Money à Madagascar', 'is_achat_crypto' => true, 'is_vente_crypto' => true, 'is_achat_payeer' => true, 'is_vente_payeer' => true, 'solde_mobile' => (float) 1647500, 'solde_mvola' => (int) 1839207, 'is_menu_advcash' => true, 'is_achat_advcash' => true, 'is_vente_advcash' => true, 'date_maj_solde' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_menu_pm' => true, 'is_achat_pm' => true, 'is_vente_pm' => true, 'site_en_maintenance' => false, 'augmentation_frais_carte' => (float) 0.03, 'paypal_limit' => (float) 0, 'is_menu_fiat' => true, 'is_vente_fiat' => true, 'is_achat_fiat' => true, 'cours_fiat_achat' => (float) 4950, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_paypal_fiat' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_achat_fiat' => (float) 4200, 'cours_fiat_vente' => (float) 4650, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_fiat_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_fiat' => (float) 5, 'solde_paypal_dispo' => (float) 17.5, 'note' => 'Wmz /pm https://www.dorpay.net https://exwm.cc/ https://laslobit.cc/ https://openchange.cash/ ** nouveau ** makoli https://atchange.net/exchange-PRUSD_to_PMUSD/ https://en.papa-change.com/?cur_from=PRUSD&cur_to=PMUSD ** fin nouveau ** https://exchangersmonitor.com https://hi.exchange https://www.transcoin.me/ https://www.exwallets.com/ https://atpayz.com/exchange-WMZ_to_USDTTRC/ ----------------------- Paypal : https://www.facebook.com/my.elieus.rayan/ https://www.facebook.com/hajafy.andrianjaka/ https://www.facebook.com/varatonaia.rakotoarisoa/ https://www.facebook.com/serge.jhy/ (Cherizo Sata) https://www.facebook.com/anja.andrian/ (Le misy capuche) https://www.facebook.com/njak.andr/ https://www.facebook.com/iaho.iaho/ (Mamadou Akbaraly) https://www.facebook.com/nina.randria.338/ (Harisoa Nandrianina Randrianarisera) https://www.facebook.com/SagesseDuSilence/ (Vonjisoa Ratovonindrina) https://www.facebook.com/tojonirina.rabenoavy.1/ (Tojonirina Rabenoavy) https://www.facebook.com/fgamm/ (Fred Gamm) https://www.facebook.com/princesse.Jfortunat/ Alpha Jao (La Boume) ----------------------- https://www.binance.com/fr/my/wallet/history/withdraw-crypto ----09-03-2022------- https://www.xmlgold.eu https://en.papa-change.com https://en.f-change.biz ----02-05-2024------ Exchanger Payoneer - USDT TRC20 https://btc2pay.org/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/ https://wx.money/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/', 'augmentation_frais_vanilla' => (float) 0.015, 'gmail_refresh_token' => '1//04OYM3J2B73RLCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irc-CbD0LjUd8a3GddMmP-WTuB9VOb9nMBAQXfLCT_cYy7dKIMawt7I1vrC1Ar3ZO4YqM', 'note_2' => '** Compte BMOI ** https://m.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 https://ebanking.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 ** Compte gmail / paypal ** moneiko.manager01 / Moneiko123456 moneiko.manager02 / Moneiko123456 ** Créateur de compte paypal ** https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100048593652814/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100014439314449/ ** achat par visa ** https://switchere.com https://buy.bitcoin.com/ https://www.moonpay.com/ https://phemex.com/fr/ P2P https://vertex.market/madagascar https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/fr/achat-bitcoin-virement-sepa/ moneyko.net Expire le 2022-08-17 13/03/2024 Payonner to USDT, de aveo USDT to PM de bonne be https://www.okchanger.com/PAYONEER-USD-to-CRYPTOCURRENCIES-TETHER%20TRC20%20(USDT) -- Just Markets : Skrill, Airtm, Crypto -- FBS Skrill, Crypto (KYC requis) -- Bet Astek Bet 1xBet Melbet 1win https://winwin.bet/fr -- Exness Skrill na Neteller -- pocket option Payeer sy Crypto -- IQ option Skrill -- Quotex Crypto', 'next_date' => null, 'date_maj_mvola' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'frais_sup_montant_bas' => (float) 0.01, 'min_montant_frais_sup' => (float) 5, 'is_c2c' => false, 'expire_mobile_order' => (int) 6, 'server_mail' => (int) 3, 'server_ngrok' => 'https://384f-154-120-160-116.ngrok-free.app', 'date_dernier_envoi_mails' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'date_dernier_envoi_mails_fin' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'progress_notif' => (float) 54.1, 'busy_mail' => true, 'is_depot_orange' => true, 'is_depot_mvola' => false, 'is_depot_vanilla' => true, 'is_auto_refund_cp_binance' => true, 'reserve_adv' => (float) 900, 'reserve_py' => (float) 10, 'reserve_pm' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_orange' => true, 'is_retrait_mvola' => true, 'is_retrait_airtel' => true, 'is_depot_airtel' => false, 'trustpilot_rates' => (float) 4.9, 'is_depot_mvola2' => true, 'depot_url_withdraw' => 'https://moneiko.net', 'maxtry_depot_manu' => (int) 3, 'nbtry_depot_manu' => (int) 0, 'seuil_frais_mvola' => (int) 10000, 'blocages_numero_retrait' => '', 'numero_depot_telma' => '0347085930', 'is_depot_airtel2' => true, 'numero_depot_airtel' => '0337590891', 'payout_limit' => (int) 99999, 'payout_time_interval' => (int) 2, 'is_auto_check_localconnexion' => true, 'cours_fiat_usd_achat' => null, 'cours_fiat_usd_vente' => (float) 3700, 'is_jeton_gmail_expired' => true, 'is_jeton_gmaiil_expired' => false, 'is_new_code_mvola' => true, 'is_menu_faucet' => true, 'is_vente_faucet' => true, 'date_maj_airtel' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'solde_airtel' => (int) 2012900, 'is_retrait_skrill' => true, 'is_orange_depot2' => true, 'numero_depot_orange' => '0329965466', 'is_new_orange_depot' => (int) 0, 'is_retrait_webmoney' => true, 'cours_fiat_vente_usd' => (float) 4325, 'is_paiement_secured' => true, 'crypto_retrait_type' => 'binance', 'drive_client_id' => '136102514424-sjl39tf6n38t7451t4i7bg4cheucfl77.apps.googleusercontent.com', 'drive_client_secret' => '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', 'drive_refresh_token' => '1//04yB42LK27VUwCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irw_cGsnQlSuObEq4lCmLFgh7uFNcoEbPYwiJoeG2X_WIcH3s9K79CSXyzBOZoB-NYGmM', 'is_jeton_gmail2_expired' => false, 'last_drive_upload_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'nb_jours_modifiable_num' => (int) 20, 'is_security_auth_num_by_sms_enable' => false, 'timeout_email' => (int) 45, 'is_security_modif_num_by_sms_enable' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_in_seconds' => (int) 45, 'nb_allow_send_pin_code_sms' => (int) 3, 'is_selfie_cin_from_webcam' => true, 'is_depot_1x' => false, 'is_paiement_check_titulaire_kyc' => false, 'is_rapid_config_displayed' => true, 'is_paiement_from_local_locked_if_titulaire_kyc_not_respected' => false, 'is_payment_gateway_blocked_if_num_invalid' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_payment' => (int) 32, 'min_montant_permis_security_gateway' => (float) 66660000, 'is_paiement_allowed_by_interval_duree' => false, 'is_allowed_to_send_auth_sms' => true, 'nb_order_before_ask_pin_code' => (int) 10, 'nb_pin_code' => (int) 4, 'config_list_num_telma' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'config_list_num_orange' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'config_list_num_airtel' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'is_auto_check_localconnexion_sms' => true, 'is_2fa_email_required' => false, 'cours_retrait_airtm' => (float) 4360, 'cours_retrait_arripay' => (float) 4350, 'cours_retrait_epay' => (float) 4500, 'is_retrait_epay' => false, 'is_retrait_airtm' => true, 'is_retrait_payoneer' => false, 'cours_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 4425, 'montant_min_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 2, 'cours_payeer_vente_euro' => (float) 4400, 'cours_payeer_vente_rub' => (float) 4250, 'n_eme_email_alternate' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_first' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_second' => (int) 0, 'reset_mailjet_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_alert_pm' => false, 'cours_retrait_wise_euro' => (float) 4600, 'cours_retrait_wise_usd' => (float) 4350, 'is_retrait_wise' => true, 'last_jeton_gp_reset_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'timeout_retrait_long' => (int) 10, 'is_opcache_reseted' => false, 'is_skrill_limited_per_week' => (int) 1, 'cours_depot_airtm' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_airtm_usd' => (float) 4820, 'solde_airtm_usd' => (float) 37, 'solde_skrill_usd' => (float) 18.25, 'solde_skrill_euro' => (float) 435.66, 'solde_binance_usdt' => (float) 3.41, 'cours_depot_skrill_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_skrill_euro' => (float) 5150, 'cours_depot_binance_usdt' => (float) 4896, 'expire_mobile_order_fiat' => (int) 7, 'is_depot_binance' => true, 'is_depot_skrill' => true, 'is_depot_airtm' => true, 'solde_betwinner' => (float) 0, 'solde_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 552510, 'cours_depot_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 1, 'solde_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 0, 'solde_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 0, 'is_depot_1xbet' => true, 'is_depot_betwinner' => true, 'is_depot_megaparis' => false, 'montant_min_achat_bet' => (float) 5000, 'montant_min_achat_skrill' => (float) 40000, 'montant_min_achat_airtm' => (float) 10000, 'montant_min_achat_binance' => (float) 25000, 'is_depot_1win' => true, 'solde_1win_ariary' => (float) 185620, 'montant_min_achat_deriv' => (float) 50000, 'montant_min_achat_neteller' => (float) 40000, 'solde_neteller_usd' => (float) 1, 'solde_deriv_usd' => (float) 412, 'is_retrait_deriv' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_neteller' => (float) 0, 'solde_neteller_eur' => (float) 0, 'cours_depot_deriv_usd' => (float) 4775, 'cours_depot_neteller_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_neteller_eur' => (float) 4999, 'is_depot_deriv' => true, 'montant_min_achat_1win' => (float) 15000, 'cours_retrait_deriv' => (float) 4475, 'numero_mvola_retrait' => '0341035571', 'numero_orange_retrait' => '0325541393', 'numero_airtel_retrait' => '0338524425', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[original]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Parameters' }, 'isPaiementMobile' => false, 'params' => [ 'asset' => 'USDT', 'pass' => [ (int) 0 => 'USDT' ], 'plugin' => 'Exchanger', 'controller' => 'Exchanges', 'action' => 'btcToAriary2', '_matchedRoute' => '/retrait-crypto/:asset', '_ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ], 'action' => 'btcToAriary2', 'plugin' => 'Exchanger', 'controller' => 'Exchanges', 'secondsAssets' => [ (int) 0 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 1 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 2 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {} ], 'principalAssets' => [ (int) 0 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 1 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 2 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 3 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {}, (int) 4 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) {} ], 'mainAssets' => [ 'BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'ETH' => 'Ethereum', 'LTC' => 'Litecoin', 'BNB' => 'Binance Coin', 'USDT' => 'Tether', 'BUSD' => 'Binance USD', 'DOT' => 'Polkadot', 'TRX' => 'TRON', 'MATIC' => 'Matic Poly', 'BTG' => 'Bitcoin Gold', 'DASH' => 'Dash Coin', 'USDC' => 'USD Coin', 'DOGE' => 'Doge Coin', 'SOL' => 'Sol' ], 'timeoutRetraitCrypto' => (int) 240, 'pendingCryptoOrders' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT CryptoOrders.id AS `CryptoOrders__id`, CryptoOrders.user_id AS `CryptoOrders__user_id`, CryptoOrders.order_id AS `CryptoOrders__order_id`, CryptoOrders.amount AS `CryptoOrders__amount`, CryptoOrders.status AS `CryptoOrders__status`, CryptoOrders.created AS `CryptoOrders__created`, CryptoOrders.modified AS `CryptoOrders__modified`, CryptoOrders.generated_adress AS `CryptoOrders__generated_adress`, CryptoOrders.confirms_needed AS `CryptoOrders__confirms_needed`, CryptoOrders.txn_id AS `CryptoOrders__txn_id`, CryptoOrders.asset AS `CryptoOrders__asset`, CryptoOrders.usd AS `CryptoOrders__usd`, CryptoOrders.montant AS `CryptoOrders__montant`, CryptoOrders.montant_net AS `CryptoOrders__montant_net`, CryptoOrders.timeout AS `CryptoOrders__timeout`, CryptoOrders.amount_by_cp AS `CryptoOrders__amount_by_cp`, CryptoOrders.regle_le AS `CryptoOrders__regle_le`, CryptoOrders.montant_recu AS `CryptoOrders__montant_recu`, CryptoOrders.receive AS `CryptoOrders__receive`, CryptoOrders.numero AS `CryptoOrders__numero`, CryptoOrders.paiement AS `CryptoOrders__paiement`, CryptoOrders.cours AS `CryptoOrders__cours`, CryptoOrders.titulaire AS `CryptoOrders__titulaire`, CryptoOrders.mobile_paiement_status AS `CryptoOrders__mobile_paiement_status`, CryptoOrders.orange_txnid AS `CryptoOrders__orange_txnid`, CryptoOrders.is_ussd_sent AS `CryptoOrders__is_ussd_sent`, CryptoOrders.ussd_response AS `CryptoOrders__ussd_response`, CryptoOrders.ip_adress AS `CryptoOrders__ip_adress`, CryptoOrders.network AS `CryptoOrders__network`, CryptoOrders.numero_mvola_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_mvola_retrait`, CryptoOrders.numero_orange_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_orange_retrait`, CryptoOrders.numero_airtel_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_airtel_retrait`, CryptoOrders.wallet AS `CryptoOrders__wallet`, CryptoOrders.crypto_retrait_type AS `CryptoOrders__crypto_retrait_type`, CryptoOrders.crypto_hook_id AS `CryptoOrders__crypto_hook_id`, CryptoOrders.montant_net_backup AS `CryptoOrders__montant_net_backup`, CryptoOrders.amount_backup AS `CryptoOrders__amount_backup`, CryptoOrders.is_txid_checked_manually AS `CryptoOrders__is_txid_checked_manually`, CryptoOrders.is_test AS `CryptoOrders__is_test` FROM crypto_orders CryptoOrders WHERE ((txn_id) IS NULL AND asset in (:c0,:c1,:c2,:c3,:c4,:c5,:c6,:c7,:c8,:c9,:c10,:c11,:c12,:c13)) ORDER BY created ASC', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 1, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\CryptoOrdersTable) {} }, 'balance' => (float) 1647500, 'asset' => 'USDT', 'test' => null, 'exchangeEntity' => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\Exchange) { '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.Exchanges' }, 'minBtc' => (float) 10.15, 'isOtherAssets' => false, 'usdtsDepots' => [ 'USDT.ERC20' => 'USDT ERC20', 'USDT.TRC20' => 'USDT TRC20' ], 'currentAssetParam' => 'USDT', 'isDepotUsdt' => false, 'coinpaymentsCryptoRetraitsFormated' => [ 'BCH' => 'Bitcoin Cash' ], 'coinpaymentsCryptoRetraits' => [ 'BCH' => 'Bitcoin Cash' ], 'assets' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules WHERE TradeRules.is_active = :c0 ORDER BY ordre DESC', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} }, 'usdts' => [ 'USDT.ERC20' => 'USDT ERC20', 'USDT.TRC20' => 'USDT TRC20' ], 'usdtAssets' => [ (int) 0 => 'USDT.ERC20', (int) 1 => 'USDT.TRC20' ], 'rate' => object(stdClass) { montant => (int) 1 btcinusd => (int) 1 frais => (int) 0 fraisBtc => (int) 0 montantNet => (int) 1 bitcoin => (int) 1 bitcoinSansFraisCarteEtMobile => (int) 1 montantNetAriary => (int) 4900 bitcoinExcluBinance => (int) 1 }, 'currentAsset' => null, 'retraitsCryptos' => [ 'btc' => 'BTC', 'eth' => 'ETH', 'ltc' => 'LTC' ], 'tradeRule' => null, 'tradeRules' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules', 'params' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} }, 'fraisCarteEtMobileMoney' => (float) 0, 'fraisConversion' => (int) 0, 'fraisWithdraw' => false, 'cours' => (float) 4896, 'margeErreur' => (float) 1, 'BREAKPOINT_MOBILE_IPN_PAYMENT_TEST_MODE' => false, 'CONVERSION_AND_WITHDRAW_TEST_MODE' => false, 'BREAKPOINT_MOBILE_ARIARY_TO_BTC_AMOUNT' => false, 'NOTIF_EMAIL' => false, 'nbNews' => (int) 20, 'operateurs' => [ (int) 0 => 'telma', (int) 1 => 'orange', (int) 2 => 'airtel' ], 'pincodePaymentSentExpiredAt' => object(Cake\Chronos\Chronos) { 'hasFixedNow' => false, 'time' => '2024-11-21 09:29:58.118062', 'timezone' => 'Etc/GMT-3' }, 'timeoutSmsPayment' => (int) 32, 'nbUsersNotifications' => (int) 0, 'isAdmin' => false, 'userEntity' => null, 'isAllowOnex' => false, 'onexbet' => '<i><b>1X<span class="bet">BET</span></b></i>', 'balanceAdvcash' => (float) 329.11, 'numerosTelma' => [ '0341035571' => '0341035571', '0347085930' => '0347085930' ], 'numerosAirtel' => [ '0338524425' => '0338524425', '0337590891' => '0337590891' ], 'numerosOrange' => [ '0325541393' => '0325541393', '0329965466' => '0329965466' ], 'rates' => (float) 4.9, 'dev_mode' => null, 'param' => object(App\Model\Entity\Parameter) { 'id' => (int) 1, 'title' => 'Moneiko', 'content' => '1ère plate-forme d'échange instantanée et sécurisée d'actif de portefeuille électronique vers Mobile Money et vice versa depuis 2019 à Madagascar.', 'cours' => (float) 4896, 'frais_carte_mobile_money' => (float) 0, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_achat' => (float) 0, 'cours_payeer_achat' => (float) 4825, 'cours_payeer_vente' => (float) 4350, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_payeer' => (float) 5, 'montant_min_achat_payeer' => (float) 3000, 'btc_marge_erreur' => (float) 1, 'is_menu_payeer' => true, 'is_menu_crypto' => true, 'og_title' => 'Moneiko', 'og_content' => 'Plate-forme en ligne automatique et sécurisée rationalisant le transfert d'une monnaie digitale aux Mobile Money à Madagascar', 'is_achat_crypto' => true, 'is_vente_crypto' => true, 'is_achat_payeer' => true, 'is_vente_payeer' => true, 'solde_mobile' => (float) 1647500, 'solde_mvola' => (int) 1839207, 'is_menu_advcash' => true, 'is_achat_advcash' => true, 'is_vente_advcash' => true, 'date_maj_solde' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_menu_pm' => true, 'is_achat_pm' => true, 'is_vente_pm' => true, 'site_en_maintenance' => false, 'augmentation_frais_carte' => (float) 0.03, 'paypal_limit' => (float) 0, 'is_menu_fiat' => true, 'is_vente_fiat' => true, 'is_achat_fiat' => true, 'cours_fiat_achat' => (float) 4950, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_paypal_fiat' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_achat_fiat' => (float) 4200, 'cours_fiat_vente' => (float) 4650, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_fiat_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_fiat' => (float) 5, 'solde_paypal_dispo' => (float) 17.5, 'note' => 'Wmz /pm https://www.dorpay.net https://exwm.cc/ https://laslobit.cc/ https://openchange.cash/ ** nouveau ** makoli https://atchange.net/exchange-PRUSD_to_PMUSD/ https://en.papa-change.com/?cur_from=PRUSD&cur_to=PMUSD ** fin nouveau ** https://exchangersmonitor.com https://hi.exchange https://www.transcoin.me/ https://www.exwallets.com/ https://atpayz.com/exchange-WMZ_to_USDTTRC/ ----------------------- Paypal : https://www.facebook.com/my.elieus.rayan/ https://www.facebook.com/hajafy.andrianjaka/ https://www.facebook.com/varatonaia.rakotoarisoa/ https://www.facebook.com/serge.jhy/ (Cherizo Sata) https://www.facebook.com/anja.andrian/ (Le misy capuche) https://www.facebook.com/njak.andr/ https://www.facebook.com/iaho.iaho/ (Mamadou Akbaraly) https://www.facebook.com/nina.randria.338/ (Harisoa Nandrianina Randrianarisera) https://www.facebook.com/SagesseDuSilence/ (Vonjisoa Ratovonindrina) https://www.facebook.com/tojonirina.rabenoavy.1/ (Tojonirina Rabenoavy) https://www.facebook.com/fgamm/ (Fred Gamm) https://www.facebook.com/princesse.Jfortunat/ Alpha Jao (La Boume) ----------------------- https://www.binance.com/fr/my/wallet/history/withdraw-crypto ----09-03-2022------- https://www.xmlgold.eu https://en.papa-change.com https://en.f-change.biz ----02-05-2024------ Exchanger Payoneer - USDT TRC20 https://btc2pay.org/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/ https://wx.money/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/', 'augmentation_frais_vanilla' => (float) 0.015, 'gmail_refresh_token' => '1//04OYM3J2B73RLCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irc-CbD0LjUd8a3GddMmP-WTuB9VOb9nMBAQXfLCT_cYy7dKIMawt7I1vrC1Ar3ZO4YqM', 'note_2' => '** Compte BMOI ** https://m.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 https://ebanking.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 ** Compte gmail / paypal ** moneiko.manager01 / Moneiko123456 moneiko.manager02 / Moneiko123456 ** Créateur de compte paypal ** https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100048593652814/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100014439314449/ ** achat par visa ** https://switchere.com https://buy.bitcoin.com/ https://www.moonpay.com/ https://phemex.com/fr/ P2P https://vertex.market/madagascar https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/fr/achat-bitcoin-virement-sepa/ moneyko.net Expire le 2022-08-17 13/03/2024 Payonner to USDT, de aveo USDT to PM de bonne be https://www.okchanger.com/PAYONEER-USD-to-CRYPTOCURRENCIES-TETHER%20TRC20%20(USDT) -- Just Markets : Skrill, Airtm, Crypto -- FBS Skrill, Crypto (KYC requis) -- Bet Astek Bet 1xBet Melbet 1win https://winwin.bet/fr -- Exness Skrill na Neteller -- pocket option Payeer sy Crypto -- IQ option Skrill -- Quotex Crypto', 'next_date' => null, 'date_maj_mvola' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'frais_sup_montant_bas' => (float) 0.01, 'min_montant_frais_sup' => (float) 5, 'is_c2c' => false, 'expire_mobile_order' => (int) 6, 'server_mail' => (int) 3, 'server_ngrok' => 'https://384f-154-120-160-116.ngrok-free.app', 'date_dernier_envoi_mails' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'date_dernier_envoi_mails_fin' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'progress_notif' => (float) 54.1, 'busy_mail' => true, 'is_depot_orange' => true, 'is_depot_mvola' => false, 'is_depot_vanilla' => true, 'is_auto_refund_cp_binance' => true, 'reserve_adv' => (float) 900, 'reserve_py' => (float) 10, 'reserve_pm' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_orange' => true, 'is_retrait_mvola' => true, 'is_retrait_airtel' => true, 'is_depot_airtel' => false, 'trustpilot_rates' => (float) 4.9, 'is_depot_mvola2' => true, 'depot_url_withdraw' => 'https://moneiko.net', 'maxtry_depot_manu' => (int) 3, 'nbtry_depot_manu' => (int) 0, 'seuil_frais_mvola' => (int) 10000, 'blocages_numero_retrait' => '', 'numero_depot_telma' => '0347085930', 'is_depot_airtel2' => true, 'numero_depot_airtel' => '0337590891', 'payout_limit' => (int) 99999, 'payout_time_interval' => (int) 2, 'is_auto_check_localconnexion' => true, 'cours_fiat_usd_achat' => null, 'cours_fiat_usd_vente' => (float) 3700, 'is_jeton_gmail_expired' => true, 'is_jeton_gmaiil_expired' => false, 'is_new_code_mvola' => true, 'is_menu_faucet' => true, 'is_vente_faucet' => true, 'date_maj_airtel' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'solde_airtel' => (int) 2012900, 'is_retrait_skrill' => true, 'is_orange_depot2' => true, 'numero_depot_orange' => '0329965466', 'is_new_orange_depot' => (int) 0, 'is_retrait_webmoney' => true, 'cours_fiat_vente_usd' => (float) 4325, 'is_paiement_secured' => true, 'crypto_retrait_type' => 'binance', 'drive_client_id' => '136102514424-sjl39tf6n38t7451t4i7bg4cheucfl77.apps.googleusercontent.com', 'drive_client_secret' => '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', 'drive_refresh_token' => '1//04yB42LK27VUwCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irw_cGsnQlSuObEq4lCmLFgh7uFNcoEbPYwiJoeG2X_WIcH3s9K79CSXyzBOZoB-NYGmM', 'is_jeton_gmail2_expired' => false, 'last_drive_upload_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'nb_jours_modifiable_num' => (int) 20, 'is_security_auth_num_by_sms_enable' => false, 'timeout_email' => (int) 45, 'is_security_modif_num_by_sms_enable' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_in_seconds' => (int) 45, 'nb_allow_send_pin_code_sms' => (int) 3, 'is_selfie_cin_from_webcam' => true, 'is_depot_1x' => false, 'is_paiement_check_titulaire_kyc' => false, 'is_rapid_config_displayed' => true, 'is_paiement_from_local_locked_if_titulaire_kyc_not_respected' => false, 'is_payment_gateway_blocked_if_num_invalid' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_payment' => (int) 32, 'min_montant_permis_security_gateway' => (float) 66660000, 'is_paiement_allowed_by_interval_duree' => false, 'is_allowed_to_send_auth_sms' => true, 'nb_order_before_ask_pin_code' => (int) 10, 'nb_pin_code' => (int) 4, 'config_list_num_telma' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'config_list_num_orange' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'config_list_num_airtel' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'is_auto_check_localconnexion_sms' => true, 'is_2fa_email_required' => false, 'cours_retrait_airtm' => (float) 4360, 'cours_retrait_arripay' => (float) 4350, 'cours_retrait_epay' => (float) 4500, 'is_retrait_epay' => false, 'is_retrait_airtm' => true, 'is_retrait_payoneer' => false, 'cours_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 4425, 'montant_min_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 2, 'cours_payeer_vente_euro' => (float) 4400, 'cours_payeer_vente_rub' => (float) 4250, 'n_eme_email_alternate' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_first' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_second' => (int) 0, 'reset_mailjet_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_alert_pm' => false, 'cours_retrait_wise_euro' => (float) 4600, 'cours_retrait_wise_usd' => (float) 4350, 'is_retrait_wise' => true, 'last_jeton_gp_reset_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'timeout_retrait_long' => (int) 10, 'is_opcache_reseted' => false, 'is_skrill_limited_per_week' => (int) 1, 'cours_depot_airtm' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_airtm_usd' => (float) 4820, 'solde_airtm_usd' => (float) 37, 'solde_skrill_usd' => (float) 18.25, 'solde_skrill_euro' => (float) 435.66, 'solde_binance_usdt' => (float) 3.41, 'cours_depot_skrill_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_skrill_euro' => (float) 5150, 'cours_depot_binance_usdt' => (float) 4896, 'expire_mobile_order_fiat' => (int) 7, 'is_depot_binance' => true, 'is_depot_skrill' => true, 'is_depot_airtm' => true, 'solde_betwinner' => (float) 0, 'solde_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 552510, 'cours_depot_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 1, 'solde_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 0, 'solde_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 0, 'is_depot_1xbet' => true, 'is_depot_betwinner' => true, 'is_depot_megaparis' => false, 'montant_min_achat_bet' => (float) 5000, 'montant_min_achat_skrill' => (float) 40000, 'montant_min_achat_airtm' => (float) 10000, 'montant_min_achat_binance' => (float) 25000, 'is_depot_1win' => true, 'solde_1win_ariary' => (float) 185620, 'montant_min_achat_deriv' => (float) 50000, 'montant_min_achat_neteller' => (float) 40000, 'solde_neteller_usd' => (float) 1, 'solde_deriv_usd' => (float) 412, 'is_retrait_deriv' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_neteller' => (float) 0, 'solde_neteller_eur' => (float) 0, 'cours_depot_deriv_usd' => (float) 4775, 'cours_depot_neteller_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_neteller_eur' => (float) 4999, 'is_depot_deriv' => true, 'montant_min_achat_1win' => (float) 15000, 'cours_retrait_deriv' => (float) 4475, 'numero_mvola_retrait' => '0341035571', 'numero_orange_retrait' => '0325541393', 'numero_airtel_retrait' => '0338524425', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[original]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Parameters' }, 'defaultDepotOption' => 'orange', 'numeroDepotAirtel' => '0337590891', 'numeroDepotTelma' => '0347085930', 'balanceMvolaMGA' => (float) 1839, 'acceptationCgu' => 'En cochant cette case, je certifie avoir lu et pris connaissance <a class='cgu-link' href='javascript:void(0);'>des conditions générales d’utilisation</a> du site internet et les accepter sans réserve.', 'isAdminConnected' => false, 'mobile_retraits' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'value' => 'orange', 'text' => 'Orange Money' ], (int) 1 => [ 'value' => 'mvola', 'text' => 'Mvola' ], (int) 2 => [ 'value' => 'airtel', 'text' => 'Airtel Money' ] ], 'balanceMvola' => (float) 1839, 'event_img' => '', 'definedLang' => 'FR', 'defaultLang' => 'FR', 'otherAssets' => object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules WHERE (TradeRules.is_active = :c0 AND id not in (:c1,:c2,:c3)) ORDER BY asset_name ASC', 'params' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'matching' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'extraOptions' => [[maximum depth reached]], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} }, 'mobile_payments' => [ (int) 0 => [ 'value' => 'orange', 'text' => 'Orange Money' ], (int) 1 => [ 'value' => 'mvola2', 'text' => 'Mvola' ], (int) 2 => [ 'value' => 'airtel2', 'text' => 'Airtel Money' ], (int) 3 => [ 'value' => 'vanilla', 'text' => 'Vanilla pay' ] ], 'host' => 'moneiko.net', 'displayCours' => false, 'lienMessenger' => 'https://m.me/102686648325815', 'tos' => 'https://moneiko.net/termes-services', 'isMobile' => false, 'defaultLastNumberTelma' => '', 'defaultLastNumberAirtel' => '', 'defaultLastNumberOrange' => '', 'balanceAirtel' => (float) 2013, 'numeroDepotOrange' => '0329965466', 'balanceAirtelFull' => (int) 2012900, 'newsletterEntity' => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\Newsletter) { '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.Newsletters' }, 'isManager' => false, 'fraisSupPourMontantBas' => (float) 0.01, 'balanceMGAFull' => (float) 1647500, 'balanceMvolaFull' => (int) 1839207, 'minUsdPourFraisSup' => (float) 5, 'listWallets' => [ 'crypto' => 'Crypto', 'payeer' => 'Payeer', 'advcash' => 'Advcash', 'pm' => 'Perfect Money', 'skrill' => 'Skrill', 'faucetpay' => 'Faucet Pay', 'binance' => 'Binance', 'airtm' => 'Airtm', 'webmoney' => 'Webmoney' ], 'balanceCrypto' => (float) 3103.2, 'balancePm' => (float) 0, 'balancePayeer' => (float) 463.47, 'balanceMGA' => (float) 1648, 'lang' => 'fr', 'moremenu' => false, 'lienTos' => 'https://moneiko.net/termes-services', 'currentServerTime' => 'Nov 21, 2024 09:29:58 +0300 ', 'lengthPinCode' => [ (int) 0 => '1000', (int) 1 => '9999' ], 'nbPinCode' => (int) 4, 'nbJoursModifiableNum' => null, 'admin' => null, 'currentUser' => null ] $isMg = false $isLocalHost = false $isLocalhost = false $isLocal = false $siteparams = object(App\Model\Entity\Parameter) { 'id' => (int) 1, 'title' => 'Moneiko', 'content' => '1ère plate-forme d'échange instantanée et sécurisée d'actif de portefeuille électronique vers Mobile Money et vice versa depuis 2019 à Madagascar.', 'cours' => (float) 4896, 'frais_carte_mobile_money' => (float) 0, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_achat' => (float) 0, 'cours_payeer_achat' => (float) 4825, 'cours_payeer_vente' => (float) 4350, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_payeer' => (float) 5, 'montant_min_achat_payeer' => (float) 3000, 'btc_marge_erreur' => (float) 1, 'is_menu_payeer' => true, 'is_menu_crypto' => true, 'og_title' => 'Moneiko', 'og_content' => 'Plate-forme en ligne automatique et sécurisée rationalisant le transfert d'une monnaie digitale aux Mobile Money à Madagascar', 'is_achat_crypto' => true, 'is_vente_crypto' => true, 'is_achat_payeer' => true, 'is_vente_payeer' => true, 'solde_mobile' => (float) 1647500, 'solde_mvola' => (int) 1839207, 'is_menu_advcash' => true, 'is_achat_advcash' => true, 'is_vente_advcash' => true, 'date_maj_solde' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_menu_pm' => true, 'is_achat_pm' => true, 'is_vente_pm' => true, 'site_en_maintenance' => false, 'augmentation_frais_carte' => (float) 0.03, 'paypal_limit' => (float) 0, 'is_menu_fiat' => true, 'is_vente_fiat' => true, 'is_achat_fiat' => true, 'cours_fiat_achat' => (float) 4950, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_paypal_fiat' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_achat_fiat' => (float) 4200, 'cours_fiat_vente' => (float) 4650, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_fiat_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_fiat' => (float) 5, 'solde_paypal_dispo' => (float) 17.5, 'note' => 'Wmz /pm https://www.dorpay.net https://exwm.cc/ https://laslobit.cc/ https://openchange.cash/ ** nouveau ** makoli https://atchange.net/exchange-PRUSD_to_PMUSD/ https://en.papa-change.com/?cur_from=PRUSD&cur_to=PMUSD ** fin nouveau ** https://exchangersmonitor.com https://hi.exchange https://www.transcoin.me/ https://www.exwallets.com/ https://atpayz.com/exchange-WMZ_to_USDTTRC/ ----------------------- Paypal : https://www.facebook.com/my.elieus.rayan/ https://www.facebook.com/hajafy.andrianjaka/ https://www.facebook.com/varatonaia.rakotoarisoa/ https://www.facebook.com/serge.jhy/ (Cherizo Sata) https://www.facebook.com/anja.andrian/ (Le misy capuche) https://www.facebook.com/njak.andr/ https://www.facebook.com/iaho.iaho/ (Mamadou Akbaraly) https://www.facebook.com/nina.randria.338/ (Harisoa Nandrianina Randrianarisera) https://www.facebook.com/SagesseDuSilence/ (Vonjisoa Ratovonindrina) https://www.facebook.com/tojonirina.rabenoavy.1/ (Tojonirina Rabenoavy) https://www.facebook.com/fgamm/ (Fred Gamm) https://www.facebook.com/princesse.Jfortunat/ Alpha Jao (La Boume) ----------------------- https://www.binance.com/fr/my/wallet/history/withdraw-crypto ----09-03-2022------- https://www.xmlgold.eu https://en.papa-change.com https://en.f-change.biz ----02-05-2024------ Exchanger Payoneer - USDT TRC20 https://btc2pay.org/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/ https://wx.money/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/', 'augmentation_frais_vanilla' => (float) 0.015, 'gmail_refresh_token' => '1//04OYM3J2B73RLCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irc-CbD0LjUd8a3GddMmP-WTuB9VOb9nMBAQXfLCT_cYy7dKIMawt7I1vrC1Ar3ZO4YqM', 'note_2' => '** Compte BMOI ** https://m.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 https://ebanking.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 ** Compte gmail / paypal ** moneiko.manager01 / Moneiko123456 moneiko.manager02 / Moneiko123456 ** Créateur de compte paypal ** https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100048593652814/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100014439314449/ ** achat par visa ** https://switchere.com https://buy.bitcoin.com/ https://www.moonpay.com/ https://phemex.com/fr/ P2P https://vertex.market/madagascar https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/fr/achat-bitcoin-virement-sepa/ moneyko.net Expire le 2022-08-17 13/03/2024 Payonner to USDT, de aveo USDT to PM de bonne be https://www.okchanger.com/PAYONEER-USD-to-CRYPTOCURRENCIES-TETHER%20TRC20%20(USDT) -- Just Markets : Skrill, Airtm, Crypto -- FBS Skrill, Crypto (KYC requis) -- Bet Astek Bet 1xBet Melbet 1win https://winwin.bet/fr -- Exness Skrill na Neteller -- pocket option Payeer sy Crypto -- IQ option Skrill -- Quotex Crypto', 'next_date' => null, 'date_maj_mvola' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'frais_sup_montant_bas' => (float) 0.01, 'min_montant_frais_sup' => (float) 5, 'is_c2c' => false, 'expire_mobile_order' => (int) 6, 'server_mail' => (int) 3, 'server_ngrok' => 'https://384f-154-120-160-116.ngrok-free.app', 'date_dernier_envoi_mails' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'date_dernier_envoi_mails_fin' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'progress_notif' => (float) 54.1, 'busy_mail' => true, 'is_depot_orange' => true, 'is_depot_mvola' => false, 'is_depot_vanilla' => true, 'is_auto_refund_cp_binance' => true, 'reserve_adv' => (float) 900, 'reserve_py' => (float) 10, 'reserve_pm' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_orange' => true, 'is_retrait_mvola' => true, 'is_retrait_airtel' => true, 'is_depot_airtel' => false, 'trustpilot_rates' => (float) 4.9, 'is_depot_mvola2' => true, 'depot_url_withdraw' => 'https://moneiko.net', 'maxtry_depot_manu' => (int) 3, 'nbtry_depot_manu' => (int) 0, 'seuil_frais_mvola' => (int) 10000, 'blocages_numero_retrait' => '', 'numero_depot_telma' => '0347085930', 'is_depot_airtel2' => true, 'numero_depot_airtel' => '0337590891', 'payout_limit' => (int) 99999, 'payout_time_interval' => (int) 2, 'is_auto_check_localconnexion' => true, 'cours_fiat_usd_achat' => null, 'cours_fiat_usd_vente' => (float) 3700, 'is_jeton_gmail_expired' => true, 'is_jeton_gmaiil_expired' => false, 'is_new_code_mvola' => true, 'is_menu_faucet' => true, 'is_vente_faucet' => true, 'date_maj_airtel' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'solde_airtel' => (int) 2012900, 'is_retrait_skrill' => true, 'is_orange_depot2' => true, 'numero_depot_orange' => '0329965466', 'is_new_orange_depot' => (int) 0, 'is_retrait_webmoney' => true, 'cours_fiat_vente_usd' => (float) 4325, 'is_paiement_secured' => true, 'crypto_retrait_type' => 'binance', 'drive_client_id' => '136102514424-sjl39tf6n38t7451t4i7bg4cheucfl77.apps.googleusercontent.com', 'drive_client_secret' => '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', 'drive_refresh_token' => '1//04yB42LK27VUwCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irw_cGsnQlSuObEq4lCmLFgh7uFNcoEbPYwiJoeG2X_WIcH3s9K79CSXyzBOZoB-NYGmM', 'is_jeton_gmail2_expired' => false, 'last_drive_upload_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'nb_jours_modifiable_num' => (int) 20, 'is_security_auth_num_by_sms_enable' => false, 'timeout_email' => (int) 45, 'is_security_modif_num_by_sms_enable' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_in_seconds' => (int) 45, 'nb_allow_send_pin_code_sms' => (int) 3, 'is_selfie_cin_from_webcam' => true, 'is_depot_1x' => false, 'is_paiement_check_titulaire_kyc' => false, 'is_rapid_config_displayed' => true, 'is_paiement_from_local_locked_if_titulaire_kyc_not_respected' => false, 'is_payment_gateway_blocked_if_num_invalid' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_payment' => (int) 32, 'min_montant_permis_security_gateway' => (float) 66660000, 'is_paiement_allowed_by_interval_duree' => false, 'is_allowed_to_send_auth_sms' => true, 'nb_order_before_ask_pin_code' => (int) 10, 'nb_pin_code' => (int) 4, 'config_list_num_telma' => [ '0341035571' => '0341035571', '0347085930' => '0347085930' ], 'config_list_num_orange' => [ '0325541393' => '0325541393', '0329965466' => '0329965466' ], 'config_list_num_airtel' => [ '0338524425' => '0338524425', '0337590891' => '0337590891' ], 'is_auto_check_localconnexion_sms' => true, 'is_2fa_email_required' => false, 'cours_retrait_airtm' => (float) 4360, 'cours_retrait_arripay' => (float) 4350, 'cours_retrait_epay' => (float) 4500, 'is_retrait_epay' => false, 'is_retrait_airtm' => true, 'is_retrait_payoneer' => false, 'cours_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 4425, 'montant_min_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 2, 'cours_payeer_vente_euro' => (float) 4400, 'cours_payeer_vente_rub' => (float) 4250, 'n_eme_email_alternate' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_first' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_second' => (int) 0, 'reset_mailjet_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_alert_pm' => false, 'cours_retrait_wise_euro' => (float) 4600, 'cours_retrait_wise_usd' => (float) 4350, 'is_retrait_wise' => true, 'last_jeton_gp_reset_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'timeout_retrait_long' => (int) 10, 'is_opcache_reseted' => false, 'is_skrill_limited_per_week' => (int) 1, 'cours_depot_airtm' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_airtm_usd' => (float) 4820, 'solde_airtm_usd' => (float) 37, 'solde_skrill_usd' => (float) 18.25, 'solde_skrill_euro' => (float) 435.66, 'solde_binance_usdt' => (float) 3.41, 'cours_depot_skrill_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_skrill_euro' => (float) 5150, 'cours_depot_binance_usdt' => (float) 4896, 'expire_mobile_order_fiat' => (int) 7, 'is_depot_binance' => true, 'is_depot_skrill' => true, 'is_depot_airtm' => true, 'solde_betwinner' => (float) 0, 'solde_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 552510, 'cours_depot_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 1, 'solde_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 0, 'solde_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 0, 'is_depot_1xbet' => true, 'is_depot_betwinner' => true, 'is_depot_megaparis' => false, 'montant_min_achat_bet' => (float) 5000, 'montant_min_achat_skrill' => (float) 40000, 'montant_min_achat_airtm' => (float) 10000, 'montant_min_achat_binance' => (float) 25000, 'is_depot_1win' => true, 'solde_1win_ariary' => (float) 185620, 'montant_min_achat_deriv' => (float) 50000, 'montant_min_achat_neteller' => (float) 40000, 'solde_neteller_usd' => (float) 1, 'solde_deriv_usd' => (float) 412, 'is_retrait_deriv' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_neteller' => (float) 0, 'solde_neteller_eur' => (float) 0, 'cours_depot_deriv_usd' => (float) 4775, 'cours_depot_neteller_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_neteller_eur' => (float) 4999, 'is_depot_deriv' => true, 'montant_min_achat_1win' => (float) 15000, 'cours_retrait_deriv' => (float) 4475, 'numero_mvola_retrait' => '0341035571', 'numero_orange_retrait' => '0325541393', 'numero_airtel_retrait' => '0338524425', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ 'id' => false, '*' => true ], '[dirty]' => [ 'numero_mvola_retrait' => true, 'numero_orange_retrait' => true, 'numero_airtel_retrait' => true, 'is_new_orange_depot' => true ], '[original]' => [ 'is_new_orange_depot' => true ], '[virtual]' => [], '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Parameters' } $isPaiementMobile = false $params = [ 'asset' => 'USDT', 'pass' => [ (int) 0 => 'USDT' ], 'plugin' => 'Exchanger', 'controller' => 'Exchanges', 'action' => 'btcToAriary2', '_matchedRoute' => '/retrait-crypto/:asset', '_ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] $action = 'btcToAriary2' $plugin = 'Exchanger' $controller = 'Exchanges' $secondsAssets = [ (int) 0 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 46, 'asset' => 'BUSD', 'network' => 'BEP20', 'adress' => '0xccf556310f5791e8d92826f3892789d0212e38f2', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 10, 'rank' => (int) 1, 'min_amount' => '5', 'asset_name' => 'Binance USD', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 1 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 47, 'asset' => 'MATIC', 'network' => 'POLYGON', 'adress' => '0xccf556310f5791e8d92826f3892789d0212e38f2', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 10, 'rank' => (int) 2, 'min_amount' => '0.001', 'asset_name' => 'Matic Poly', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 2 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 48, 'asset' => 'BNB', 'network' => 'BEP20', 'adress' => '0x5a2190d2e1577d8b57795c6053bfa1c8eb733ab6', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 10, 'rank' => (int) 3, 'min_amount' => '0.02', 'asset_name' => 'Binance Coin', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' } ] $principalAssets = [ (int) 0 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 49, 'asset' => 'BTC', 'network' => 'BTC', 'adress' => '19umuY15RdPnYh2LM36axoij4d1zDrc2EY', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 11, 'rank' => (int) 1, 'min_amount' => '0.0005', 'asset_name' => 'BTC', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 1 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 50, 'asset' => 'ETH', 'network' => 'ETH', 'adress' => '0x9a01cd7fce5c80715fcdbcd9022e3a6210cc9aa3', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 11, 'rank' => (int) 2, 'min_amount' => '0.001', 'asset_name' => 'ETH', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 2 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 51, 'asset' => 'LTC', 'network' => 'LTC', 'adress' => 'LLTNXAU2xte3AR92NazU6gUm8u4N9HLzxV', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 11, 'rank' => (int) 3, 'min_amount' => '0.001', 'asset_name' => 'Litecoin', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 3 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 52, 'asset' => 'TRX', 'network' => 'TRC20', 'adress' => 'THjMMGSVQbjAsPbz3xWqaoDE63p6qv96y6', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 11, 'rank' => (int) 4, 'min_amount' => '1', 'asset_name' => 'Tron', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' }, (int) 4 => object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\CryptoHooksToken) { 'id' => (int) 53, 'asset' => 'USDT', 'network' => 'ERC20', 'adress' => '0x9a01cd7fce5c80715fcdbcd9022e3a6210cc9aa3', 'crypto_hook_id' => (int) 11, 'rank' => (int) 5, 'min_amount' => '5', 'asset_name' => 'USDT', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], '[dirty]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.CryptoHooksTokens' } ] $mainAssets = [ 'BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'ETH' => 'Ethereum', 'LTC' => 'Litecoin', 'BNB' => 'Binance Coin', 'USDT' => 'Tether', 'BUSD' => 'Binance USD', 'DOT' => 'Polkadot', 'TRX' => 'TRON', 'MATIC' => 'Matic Poly', 'BTG' => 'Bitcoin Gold', 'DASH' => 'Dash Coin', 'USDC' => 'USD Coin', 'DOGE' => 'Doge Coin', 'SOL' => 'Sol' ] $timeoutRetraitCrypto = (int) 240 $pendingCryptoOrders = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT CryptoOrders.id AS `CryptoOrders__id`, CryptoOrders.user_id AS `CryptoOrders__user_id`, CryptoOrders.order_id AS `CryptoOrders__order_id`, CryptoOrders.amount AS `CryptoOrders__amount`, CryptoOrders.status AS `CryptoOrders__status`, CryptoOrders.created AS `CryptoOrders__created`, CryptoOrders.modified AS `CryptoOrders__modified`, CryptoOrders.generated_adress AS `CryptoOrders__generated_adress`, CryptoOrders.confirms_needed AS `CryptoOrders__confirms_needed`, CryptoOrders.txn_id AS `CryptoOrders__txn_id`, CryptoOrders.asset AS `CryptoOrders__asset`, CryptoOrders.usd AS `CryptoOrders__usd`, CryptoOrders.montant AS `CryptoOrders__montant`, CryptoOrders.montant_net AS `CryptoOrders__montant_net`, CryptoOrders.timeout AS `CryptoOrders__timeout`, CryptoOrders.amount_by_cp AS `CryptoOrders__amount_by_cp`, CryptoOrders.regle_le AS `CryptoOrders__regle_le`, CryptoOrders.montant_recu AS `CryptoOrders__montant_recu`, CryptoOrders.receive AS `CryptoOrders__receive`, CryptoOrders.numero AS `CryptoOrders__numero`, CryptoOrders.paiement AS `CryptoOrders__paiement`, CryptoOrders.cours AS `CryptoOrders__cours`, CryptoOrders.titulaire AS `CryptoOrders__titulaire`, CryptoOrders.mobile_paiement_status AS `CryptoOrders__mobile_paiement_status`, CryptoOrders.orange_txnid AS `CryptoOrders__orange_txnid`, CryptoOrders.is_ussd_sent AS `CryptoOrders__is_ussd_sent`, CryptoOrders.ussd_response AS `CryptoOrders__ussd_response`, CryptoOrders.ip_adress AS `CryptoOrders__ip_adress`, CryptoOrders.network AS `CryptoOrders__network`, CryptoOrders.numero_mvola_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_mvola_retrait`, CryptoOrders.numero_orange_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_orange_retrait`, CryptoOrders.numero_airtel_retrait AS `CryptoOrders__numero_airtel_retrait`, CryptoOrders.wallet AS `CryptoOrders__wallet`, CryptoOrders.crypto_retrait_type AS `CryptoOrders__crypto_retrait_type`, CryptoOrders.crypto_hook_id AS `CryptoOrders__crypto_hook_id`, CryptoOrders.montant_net_backup AS `CryptoOrders__montant_net_backup`, CryptoOrders.amount_backup AS `CryptoOrders__amount_backup`, CryptoOrders.is_txid_checked_manually AS `CryptoOrders__is_txid_checked_manually`, CryptoOrders.is_test AS `CryptoOrders__is_test` FROM crypto_orders CryptoOrders WHERE ((txn_id) IS NULL AND asset in (:c0,:c1,:c2,:c3,:c4,:c5,:c6,:c7,:c8,:c9,:c10,:c11,:c12,:c13)) ORDER BY created ASC', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c1' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c2' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c3' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c4' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c5' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c6' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c7' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c8' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c9' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c10' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c11' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c12' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c13' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'CryptoOrders__id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders__user_id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders.user_id' => 'integer', 'user_id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders__order_id' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.order_id' => 'string', 'order_id' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__amount' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.amount' => 'string', 'amount' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__status' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.status' => 'string', 'status' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__created' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders.created' => 'datetime', 'created' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders__modified' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders__generated_adress' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.generated_adress' => 'string', 'generated_adress' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__confirms_needed' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders.confirms_needed' => 'integer', 'confirms_needed' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders__txn_id' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.txn_id' => 'string', 'txn_id' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__asset' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.asset' => 'string', 'asset' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__usd' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders.usd' => 'decimal', 'usd' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders__montant' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders.montant' => 'decimal', 'montant' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders__montant_net' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders.montant_net' => 'decimal', 'montant_net' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders__timeout' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders.timeout' => 'integer', 'timeout' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders__amount_by_cp' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders.amount_by_cp' => 'decimal', 'amount_by_cp' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders__regle_le' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders.regle_le' => 'datetime', 'regle_le' => 'datetime', 'CryptoOrders__montant_recu' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.montant_recu' => 'string', 'montant_recu' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__receive' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.receive' => 'string', 'receive' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__numero' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.numero' => 'string', 'numero' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__paiement' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.paiement' => 'string', 'paiement' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__cours' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders.cours' => 'decimal', 'cours' => 'decimal', 'CryptoOrders__titulaire' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.titulaire' => 'string', 'titulaire' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__mobile_paiement_status' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.mobile_paiement_status' => 'string', 'mobile_paiement_status' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__orange_txnid' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.orange_txnid' => 'string', 'orange_txnid' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__is_ussd_sent' => 'boolean', 'CryptoOrders.is_ussd_sent' => 'boolean', 'is_ussd_sent' => 'boolean', 'CryptoOrders__ussd_response' => 'text', 'CryptoOrders.ussd_response' => 'text', 'ussd_response' => 'text', 'CryptoOrders__ip_adress' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.ip_adress' => 'string', 'ip_adress' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__network' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.network' => 'string', 'network' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__numero_mvola_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.numero_mvola_retrait' => 'string', 'numero_mvola_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__numero_orange_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.numero_orange_retrait' => 'string', 'numero_orange_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__numero_airtel_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.numero_airtel_retrait' => 'string', 'numero_airtel_retrait' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__wallet' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.wallet' => 'string', 'wallet' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__crypto_retrait_type' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.crypto_retrait_type' => 'string', 'crypto_retrait_type' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__crypto_hook_id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders.crypto_hook_id' => 'integer', 'crypto_hook_id' => 'integer', 'CryptoOrders__montant_net_backup' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.montant_net_backup' => 'string', 'montant_net_backup' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__amount_backup' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders.amount_backup' => 'string', 'amount_backup' => 'string', 'CryptoOrders__is_txid_checked_manually' => 'boolean', 'CryptoOrders.is_txid_checked_manually' => 'boolean', 'is_txid_checked_manually' => 'boolean', 'CryptoOrders__is_test' => 'boolean', 'CryptoOrders.is_test' => 'boolean', 'is_test' => 'boolean' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 1, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\CryptoOrdersTable) {} } $balance = (float) 1647500 $asset = 'USDT' $test = null $exchangeEntity = object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\Exchange) { '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true, 'id' => false ], '[dirty]' => [], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.Exchanges' } $minBtc = (float) 10.15 $isOtherAssets = false $usdtsDepots = [ 'USDT.ERC20' => 'USDT ERC20', 'USDT.TRC20' => 'USDT TRC20' ] $currentAssetParam = 'USDT' $isDepotUsdt = false $coinpaymentsCryptoRetraitsFormated = [ 'BCH' => 'Bitcoin Cash' ] $coinpaymentsCryptoRetraits = [ 'BCH' => 'Bitcoin Cash' ] $assets = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules WHERE TradeRules.is_active = :c0 ORDER BY ordre DESC', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'TradeRules__id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset' => 'string', 'asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_lot_size' => 'string', 'min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules__step' => 'string', 'TradeRules.step' => 'string', 'step' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_notionnal' => 'string', 'min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules__status' => 'string', 'TradeRules.status' => 'string', 'status' => 'string', 'TradeRules__trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules.trade_fee' => 'string', 'trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.min_withdraw' => 'float', 'min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules.cours' => 'decimal', 'cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules__fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_usd' => 'float', 'fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules__is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules.is_active' => 'boolean', 'is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules__asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset_name' => 'string', 'asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules__ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.ordre' => 'integer', 'ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules__default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network' => 'string', 'default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules__default_network_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network_name' => 'string', 'default_network_name' => 'string' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} } $usdts = [ 'USDT.ERC20' => 'USDT ERC20', 'USDT.TRC20' => 'USDT TRC20' ] $usdtAssets = [ (int) 0 => 'USDT.ERC20', (int) 1 => 'USDT.TRC20' ] $rate = object(stdClass) { montant => (int) 1 btcinusd => (int) 1 frais => (int) 0 fraisBtc => (int) 0 montantNet => (int) 1 bitcoin => (int) 1 bitcoinSansFraisCarteEtMobile => (int) 1 montantNetAriary => (int) 4900 bitcoinExcluBinance => (int) 1 } $currentAsset = null $retraitsCryptos = [ 'btc' => 'BTC', 'eth' => 'ETH', 'ltc' => 'LTC' ] $tradeRule = null $tradeRules = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules', 'params' => [], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'TradeRules__id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset' => 'string', 'asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_lot_size' => 'string', 'min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules__step' => 'string', 'TradeRules.step' => 'string', 'step' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_notionnal' => 'string', 'min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules__status' => 'string', 'TradeRules.status' => 'string', 'status' => 'string', 'TradeRules__trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules.trade_fee' => 'string', 'trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.min_withdraw' => 'float', 'min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules.cours' => 'decimal', 'cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules__fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_usd' => 'float', 'fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules__is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules.is_active' => 'boolean', 'is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules__asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset_name' => 'string', 'asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules__ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.ordre' => 'integer', 'ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules__default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network' => 'string', 'default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules__default_network_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network_name' => 'string', 'default_network_name' => 'string' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} } $fraisCarteEtMobileMoney = (float) 0 $fraisConversion = (int) 0 $fraisWithdraw = false $cours = (float) 4896 $margeErreur = (float) 1 $BREAKPOINT_MOBILE_IPN_PAYMENT_TEST_MODE = false $CONVERSION_AND_WITHDRAW_TEST_MODE = false $BREAKPOINT_MOBILE_ARIARY_TO_BTC_AMOUNT = false $NOTIF_EMAIL = false $nbNews = (int) 20 $operateurs = [ (int) 0 => 'telma', (int) 1 => 'orange', (int) 2 => 'airtel' ] $pincodePaymentSentExpiredAt = object(Cake\Chronos\Chronos) { 'hasFixedNow' => false, 'time' => '2024-11-21 09:29:58.118062', 'timezone' => 'Etc/GMT-3' } $timeoutSmsPayment = (int) 32 $nbUsersNotifications = (int) 0 $isAdmin = false $userEntity = null $isAllowOnex = false $onexbet = '<i><b>1X<span class="bet">BET</span></b></i>' $balanceAdvcash = (float) 329.11 $numerosTelma = [ '0341035571' => '0341035571', '0347085930' => '0347085930' ] $numerosAirtel = [ '0338524425' => '0338524425', '0337590891' => '0337590891' ] $numerosOrange = [ '0325541393' => '0325541393', '0329965466' => '0329965466' ] $rates = (float) 4.9 $dev_mode = null $param = object(App\Model\Entity\Parameter) { 'id' => (int) 1, 'title' => 'Moneiko', 'content' => '1ère plate-forme d'échange instantanée et sécurisée d'actif de portefeuille électronique vers Mobile Money et vice versa depuis 2019 à Madagascar.', 'cours' => (float) 4896, 'frais_carte_mobile_money' => (float) 0, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_achat' => (float) 0, 'cours_payeer_achat' => (float) 4825, 'cours_payeer_vente' => (float) 4350, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_payeer_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_payeer' => (float) 5, 'montant_min_achat_payeer' => (float) 3000, 'btc_marge_erreur' => (float) 1, 'is_menu_payeer' => true, 'is_menu_crypto' => true, 'og_title' => 'Moneiko', 'og_content' => 'Plate-forme en ligne automatique et sécurisée rationalisant le transfert d'une monnaie digitale aux Mobile Money à Madagascar', 'is_achat_crypto' => true, 'is_vente_crypto' => true, 'is_achat_payeer' => true, 'is_vente_payeer' => true, 'solde_mobile' => (float) 1647500, 'solde_mvola' => (int) 1839207, 'is_menu_advcash' => true, 'is_achat_advcash' => true, 'is_vente_advcash' => true, 'date_maj_solde' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_menu_pm' => true, 'is_achat_pm' => true, 'is_vente_pm' => true, 'site_en_maintenance' => false, 'augmentation_frais_carte' => (float) 0.03, 'paypal_limit' => (float) 0, 'is_menu_fiat' => true, 'is_vente_fiat' => true, 'is_achat_fiat' => true, 'cours_fiat_achat' => (float) 4950, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_paypal_fiat' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_achat_fiat' => (float) 4200, 'cours_fiat_vente' => (float) 4650, 'frais_carte_mobile_money_fiat_vente' => (float) 0, 'montant_min_vente_fiat' => (float) 5, 'solde_paypal_dispo' => (float) 17.5, 'note' => 'Wmz /pm https://www.dorpay.net https://exwm.cc/ https://laslobit.cc/ https://openchange.cash/ ** nouveau ** makoli https://atchange.net/exchange-PRUSD_to_PMUSD/ https://en.papa-change.com/?cur_from=PRUSD&cur_to=PMUSD ** fin nouveau ** https://exchangersmonitor.com https://hi.exchange https://www.transcoin.me/ https://www.exwallets.com/ https://atpayz.com/exchange-WMZ_to_USDTTRC/ ----------------------- Paypal : https://www.facebook.com/my.elieus.rayan/ https://www.facebook.com/hajafy.andrianjaka/ https://www.facebook.com/varatonaia.rakotoarisoa/ https://www.facebook.com/serge.jhy/ (Cherizo Sata) https://www.facebook.com/anja.andrian/ (Le misy capuche) https://www.facebook.com/njak.andr/ https://www.facebook.com/iaho.iaho/ (Mamadou Akbaraly) https://www.facebook.com/nina.randria.338/ (Harisoa Nandrianina Randrianarisera) https://www.facebook.com/SagesseDuSilence/ (Vonjisoa Ratovonindrina) https://www.facebook.com/tojonirina.rabenoavy.1/ (Tojonirina Rabenoavy) https://www.facebook.com/fgamm/ (Fred Gamm) https://www.facebook.com/princesse.Jfortunat/ Alpha Jao (La Boume) ----------------------- https://www.binance.com/fr/my/wallet/history/withdraw-crypto ----09-03-2022------- https://www.xmlgold.eu https://en.papa-change.com https://en.f-change.biz ----02-05-2024------ Exchanger Payoneer - USDT TRC20 https://btc2pay.org/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/ https://wx.money/en/exchange-pnrusd-to-usdttrc20/', 'augmentation_frais_vanilla' => (float) 0.015, 'gmail_refresh_token' => '1//04OYM3J2B73RLCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irc-CbD0LjUd8a3GddMmP-WTuB9VOb9nMBAQXfLCT_cYy7dKIMawt7I1vrC1Ar3ZO4YqM', 'note_2' => '** Compte BMOI ** https://m.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 https://ebanking.bmoinet.net 48656595 / 023459 ** Compte gmail / paypal ** moneiko.manager01 / Moneiko123456 moneiko.manager02 / Moneiko123456 ** Créateur de compte paypal ** https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100048593652814/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/331836436928088/user/100014439314449/ ** achat par visa ** https://switchere.com https://buy.bitcoin.com/ https://www.moonpay.com/ https://phemex.com/fr/ P2P https://vertex.market/madagascar https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/fr/achat-bitcoin-virement-sepa/ moneyko.net Expire le 2022-08-17 13/03/2024 Payonner to USDT, de aveo USDT to PM de bonne be https://www.okchanger.com/PAYONEER-USD-to-CRYPTOCURRENCIES-TETHER%20TRC20%20(USDT) -- Just Markets : Skrill, Airtm, Crypto -- FBS Skrill, Crypto (KYC requis) -- Bet Astek Bet 1xBet Melbet 1win https://winwin.bet/fr -- Exness Skrill na Neteller -- pocket option Payeer sy Crypto -- IQ option Skrill -- Quotex Crypto', 'next_date' => null, 'date_maj_mvola' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'frais_sup_montant_bas' => (float) 0.01, 'min_montant_frais_sup' => (float) 5, 'is_c2c' => false, 'expire_mobile_order' => (int) 6, 'server_mail' => (int) 3, 'server_ngrok' => 'https://384f-154-120-160-116.ngrok-free.app', 'date_dernier_envoi_mails' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'date_dernier_envoi_mails_fin' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'progress_notif' => (float) 54.1, 'busy_mail' => true, 'is_depot_orange' => true, 'is_depot_mvola' => false, 'is_depot_vanilla' => true, 'is_auto_refund_cp_binance' => true, 'reserve_adv' => (float) 900, 'reserve_py' => (float) 10, 'reserve_pm' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_orange' => true, 'is_retrait_mvola' => true, 'is_retrait_airtel' => true, 'is_depot_airtel' => false, 'trustpilot_rates' => (float) 4.9, 'is_depot_mvola2' => true, 'depot_url_withdraw' => 'https://moneiko.net', 'maxtry_depot_manu' => (int) 3, 'nbtry_depot_manu' => (int) 0, 'seuil_frais_mvola' => (int) 10000, 'blocages_numero_retrait' => '', 'numero_depot_telma' => '0347085930', 'is_depot_airtel2' => true, 'numero_depot_airtel' => '0337590891', 'payout_limit' => (int) 99999, 'payout_time_interval' => (int) 2, 'is_auto_check_localconnexion' => true, 'cours_fiat_usd_achat' => null, 'cours_fiat_usd_vente' => (float) 3700, 'is_jeton_gmail_expired' => true, 'is_jeton_gmaiil_expired' => false, 'is_new_code_mvola' => true, 'is_menu_faucet' => true, 'is_vente_faucet' => true, 'date_maj_airtel' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'solde_airtel' => (int) 2012900, 'is_retrait_skrill' => true, 'is_orange_depot2' => true, 'numero_depot_orange' => '0329965466', 'is_new_orange_depot' => (int) 0, 'is_retrait_webmoney' => true, 'cours_fiat_vente_usd' => (float) 4325, 'is_paiement_secured' => true, 'crypto_retrait_type' => 'binance', 'drive_client_id' => '136102514424-sjl39tf6n38t7451t4i7bg4cheucfl77.apps.googleusercontent.com', 'drive_client_secret' => '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', 'drive_refresh_token' => '1//04yB42LK27VUwCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Irw_cGsnQlSuObEq4lCmLFgh7uFNcoEbPYwiJoeG2X_WIcH3s9K79CSXyzBOZoB-NYGmM', 'is_jeton_gmail2_expired' => false, 'last_drive_upload_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'nb_jours_modifiable_num' => (int) 20, 'is_security_auth_num_by_sms_enable' => false, 'timeout_email' => (int) 45, 'is_security_modif_num_by_sms_enable' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_in_seconds' => (int) 45, 'nb_allow_send_pin_code_sms' => (int) 3, 'is_selfie_cin_from_webcam' => true, 'is_depot_1x' => false, 'is_paiement_check_titulaire_kyc' => false, 'is_rapid_config_displayed' => true, 'is_paiement_from_local_locked_if_titulaire_kyc_not_respected' => false, 'is_payment_gateway_blocked_if_num_invalid' => true, 'timeout_sms_pin_code_payment' => (int) 32, 'min_montant_permis_security_gateway' => (float) 66660000, 'is_paiement_allowed_by_interval_duree' => false, 'is_allowed_to_send_auth_sms' => true, 'nb_order_before_ask_pin_code' => (int) 10, 'nb_pin_code' => (int) 4, 'config_list_num_telma' => [ '0341035571' => '0341035571', '0347085930' => '0347085930' ], 'config_list_num_orange' => [ '0325541393' => '0325541393', '0329965466' => '0329965466' ], 'config_list_num_airtel' => [ '0338524425' => '0338524425', '0337590891' => '0337590891' ], 'is_auto_check_localconnexion_sms' => true, 'is_2fa_email_required' => false, 'cours_retrait_airtm' => (float) 4360, 'cours_retrait_arripay' => (float) 4350, 'cours_retrait_epay' => (float) 4500, 'is_retrait_epay' => false, 'is_retrait_airtm' => true, 'is_retrait_payoneer' => false, 'cours_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 4425, 'montant_min_vente_binance_pay' => (float) 2, 'cours_payeer_vente_euro' => (float) 4400, 'cours_payeer_vente_rub' => (float) 4250, 'n_eme_email_alternate' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_first' => (int) 0, 'nb_email_mailjet_second' => (int) 0, 'reset_mailjet_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'is_alert_pm' => false, 'cours_retrait_wise_euro' => (float) 4600, 'cours_retrait_wise_usd' => (float) 4350, 'is_retrait_wise' => true, 'last_jeton_gp_reset_at' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {}, 'timeout_retrait_long' => (int) 10, 'is_opcache_reseted' => false, 'is_skrill_limited_per_week' => (int) 1, 'cours_depot_airtm' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_airtm_usd' => (float) 4820, 'solde_airtm_usd' => (float) 37, 'solde_skrill_usd' => (float) 18.25, 'solde_skrill_euro' => (float) 435.66, 'solde_binance_usdt' => (float) 3.41, 'cours_depot_skrill_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_skrill_euro' => (float) 5150, 'cours_depot_binance_usdt' => (float) 4896, 'expire_mobile_order_fiat' => (int) 7, 'is_depot_binance' => true, 'is_depot_skrill' => true, 'is_depot_airtm' => true, 'solde_betwinner' => (float) 0, 'solde_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 552510, 'cours_depot_betwinner_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 1, 'cours_depot_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 1, 'solde_1xbet_ariary' => (float) 0, 'solde_megaparis_ariary' => (float) 0, 'is_depot_1xbet' => true, 'is_depot_betwinner' => true, 'is_depot_megaparis' => false, 'montant_min_achat_bet' => (float) 5000, 'montant_min_achat_skrill' => (float) 40000, 'montant_min_achat_airtm' => (float) 10000, 'montant_min_achat_binance' => (float) 25000, 'is_depot_1win' => true, 'solde_1win_ariary' => (float) 185620, 'montant_min_achat_deriv' => (float) 50000, 'montant_min_achat_neteller' => (float) 40000, 'solde_neteller_usd' => (float) 1, 'solde_deriv_usd' => (float) 412, 'is_retrait_deriv' => (float) 0, 'is_retrait_neteller' => (float) 0, 'solde_neteller_eur' => (float) 0, 'cours_depot_deriv_usd' => (float) 4775, 'cours_depot_neteller_usd' => (float) 4820, 'cours_depot_neteller_eur' => (float) 4999, 'is_depot_deriv' => true, 'montant_min_achat_1win' => (float) 15000, 'cours_retrait_deriv' => (float) 4475, 'numero_mvola_retrait' => '0341035571', 'numero_orange_retrait' => '0325541393', 'numero_airtel_retrait' => '0338524425', '[new]' => false, '[accessible]' => [ 'id' => false, '*' => true ], '[dirty]' => [ 'numero_mvola_retrait' => true, 'numero_orange_retrait' => true, 'numero_airtel_retrait' => true, 'is_new_orange_depot' => true ], '[original]' => [ 'is_new_orange_depot' => true ], '[virtual]' => [], '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Parameters' } $defaultDepotOption = 'orange' $numeroDepotAirtel = '0337590891' $numeroDepotTelma = '0347085930' $balanceMvolaMGA = (float) 1839 $acceptationCgu = 'En cochant cette case, je certifie avoir lu et pris connaissance <a class='cgu-link' href='javascript:void(0);'>des conditions générales d’utilisation</a> du site internet et les accepter sans réserve.' $isAdminConnected = false $mobile_retraits = [ (int) 0 => [ 'value' => 'orange', 'text' => 'Orange Money' ], (int) 1 => [ 'value' => 'mvola', 'text' => 'Mvola' ], (int) 2 => [ 'value' => 'airtel', 'text' => 'Airtel Money' ] ] $balanceMvola = (float) 1839 $event_img = '' $definedLang = 'FR' $defaultLang = 'FR' $otherAssets = object(Cake\ORM\Query) { '(help)' => 'This is a Query object, to get the results execute or iterate it.', 'sql' => 'SELECT TradeRules.id AS `TradeRules__id`, TradeRules.asset AS `TradeRules__asset`, TradeRules.min_lot_size AS `TradeRules__min_lot_size`, TradeRules.step AS `TradeRules__step`, TradeRules.min_notionnal AS `TradeRules__min_notionnal`, TradeRules.status AS `TradeRules__status`, TradeRules.trade_fee AS `TradeRules__trade_fee`, TradeRules.min_withdraw AS `TradeRules__min_withdraw`, TradeRules.fee_withdraw AS `TradeRules__fee_withdraw`, TradeRules.cours AS `TradeRules__cours`, TradeRules.fee_usd AS `TradeRules__fee_usd`, TradeRules.is_active AS `TradeRules__is_active`, TradeRules.asset_name AS `TradeRules__asset_name`, TradeRules.ordre AS `TradeRules__ordre`, TradeRules.modified AS `TradeRules__modified`, TradeRules.default_network AS `TradeRules__default_network`, TradeRules.default_network_name AS `TradeRules__default_network_name` FROM trade_rules TradeRules WHERE (TradeRules.is_active = :c0 AND id not in (:c1,:c2,:c3)) ORDER BY asset_name ASC', 'params' => [ ':c0' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c1' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c2' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], ':c3' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'defaultTypes' => [ 'TradeRules__id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.id' => 'integer', 'id' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset' => 'string', 'asset' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_lot_size' => 'string', 'min_lot_size' => 'string', 'TradeRules__step' => 'string', 'TradeRules.step' => 'string', 'step' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules.min_notionnal' => 'string', 'min_notionnal' => 'string', 'TradeRules__status' => 'string', 'TradeRules.status' => 'string', 'status' => 'string', 'TradeRules__trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules.trade_fee' => 'string', 'trade_fee' => 'string', 'TradeRules__min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.min_withdraw' => 'float', 'min_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'fee_withdraw' => 'float', 'TradeRules__cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules.cours' => 'decimal', 'cours' => 'decimal', 'TradeRules__fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules.fee_usd' => 'float', 'fee_usd' => 'float', 'TradeRules__is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules.is_active' => 'boolean', 'is_active' => 'boolean', 'TradeRules__asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.asset_name' => 'string', 'asset_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules__ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules.ordre' => 'integer', 'ordre' => 'integer', 'TradeRules__modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules.modified' => 'datetime', 'modified' => 'datetime', 'TradeRules__default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network' => 'string', 'default_network' => 'string', 'TradeRules__default_network_name' => 'string', 'TradeRules.default_network_name' => 'string', 'default_network_name' => 'string' ], 'decorators' => (int) 0, 'executed' => false, 'hydrate' => true, 'buffered' => true, 'formatters' => (int) 0, 'mapReducers' => (int) 0, 'contain' => [], 'matching' => [], 'extraOptions' => [], 'repository' => object(Exchanger\Model\Table\TradeRulesTable) {} } $mobile_payments = [ (int) 0 => [ 'value' => 'orange', 'text' => 'Orange Money' ], (int) 1 => [ 'value' => 'mvola2', 'text' => 'Mvola' ], (int) 2 => [ 'value' => 'airtel2', 'text' => 'Airtel Money' ], (int) 3 => [ 'value' => 'vanilla', 'text' => 'Vanilla pay' ] ] $host = 'moneiko.net' $displayCours = false $lienMessenger = 'https://m.me/102686648325815' $tos = 'https://moneiko.net/termes-services' $isMobile = false $defaultLastNumberTelma = '' $defaultLastNumberAirtel = '' $defaultLastNumberOrange = '' $balanceAirtel = (float) 2013 $numeroDepotOrange = '0329965466' $balanceAirtelFull = (int) 2012900 $newsletterEntity = object(Exchanger\Model\Entity\Newsletter) { '[new]' => true, '[accessible]' => [ '*' => true, 'id' => false ], '[dirty]' => [], '[original]' => [], '[virtual]' => [], '[errors]' => [], '[invalid]' => [], '[repository]' => 'Exchanger.Newsletters' } $isManager = false $fraisSupPourMontantBas = (float) 0.01 $balanceMGAFull = (float) 1647500 $balanceMvolaFull = (int) 1839207 $minUsdPourFraisSup = (float) 5 $listWallets = [ 'crypto' => 'Crypto', 'payeer' => 'Payeer', 'advcash' => 'Advcash', 'pm' => 'Perfect Money', 'skrill' => 'Skrill', 'faucetpay' => 'Faucet Pay', 'binance' => 'Binance', 'airtm' => 'Airtm', 'webmoney' => 'Webmoney' ] $balanceCrypto = (float) 3103.2 $balancePm = (float) 0 $balancePayeer = (float) 463.47 $balanceMGA = (float) 1648 $lang = 'fr' $moremenu = false $lienTos = 'https://moneiko.net/termes-services' $currentServerTime = 'Nov 21, 2024 09:29:58 +0300 ' $lengthPinCode = [ (int) 0 => '1000', (int) 1 => '9999' ] $nbPinCode = (int) 4 $nbJoursModifiableNum = null $admin = null $currentUser = null $assetTitle = 'Tether' $assetFromParam = 'USDT'include - ROOT/plugins/Exchanger/src/Template/Exchanges/btc_to_ariary2.ctp, line 8 Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1240 Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1201 Cake\View\View::render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 803 Cake\Controller\Controller::render() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 790 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 126 Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 94 Cake\Http\BaseApplication::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/BaseApplication.php, line 235 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Routing\Middleware\RoutingMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Routing/Middleware/RoutingMiddleware.php, line 156 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Routing\Middleware\AssetMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Routing/Middleware/AssetMiddleware.php, line 88 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Error\Middleware\ErrorHandlerMiddleware::__invoke() - CORE/src/Error/Middleware/ErrorHandlerMiddleware.php, line 98 Cake\Http\Runner::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 65 Cake\Http\Runner::run() - CORE/src/Http/Runner.php, line 51 Cake\Http\Server::run() - CORE/src/Http/Server.php, line 98